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Wednesday Ratings: FOX Delivers With ‘Truth’

Finally, American Idol is no longer responsible for carrying a whole network.  With assistance from Truth, notched another victory in its ratings belt.

Power of 10

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Wednesday Ratings: FOX Continues to Ride Idol’s Wave

Another night with means another win for .  Even if the other networks had formed an alliance, their numbers still wouldn’t surpass the reality juggernaut.

Law and Order

  • (12.6/30 in 18-49) opened and closed the evening with 30.3 million viewers.  That large number was actually a 3 million decline from Tuesday’s premiere.
  • (3.1/8) negotiated with 11.8 million.
  • (5.2 million, 2.0/5) kissed about 2.5 million goodbye.
  • (4.9 million, 1.1/3) lost strength from last week.
  • (1.6 million, 0.7/2) was down just a tad.



  • (11.6 million, 3.6/9 in 18-49) brought 600,000 more to justice since last week.
  • (5.4 million, 2.2/6) shrunk another 800,000 viewers.

*denotes repeat

(You can review last Wednesday’s numbers here.)

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Hollywood Reporter

Wednesday Ratings: ‘Cashmere Mafia’ Tanks In Regular Slot

Up against the Law and Order and CSI franchises, Cashmere shrunk from its Sunday debut.  By night’s end, was the winner with both the viewers and the demos.




  • (11.6 million, 3.5/9 in 18-49) scored a narrow victory at 10pm.
  • (3.1/9) fell behind with just 11 million.
  • (6.2 million, 2.3/6) dropped nearly 40% from its Sunday premiere.

*denotes repeat

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Wednesday Ratings: Viewers Prefer CBS Leftovers

Despite the continuation of newbies Duel and Choirs, repeats on CBS were the most appealing thing of the evening.

Til Death



*denotes repeat

(You can review last Wednesday’s ratings here.)

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Programming Insider

Wednesday Ratings: All Eyes on ‘CSI: New York’

It was a tight race between the Peacock and Eye networks.  had the slight edge with the viewers; tied in the demos.




  • (14.25 million, 4.0/12 in 18-49) was the evening’s best performer.
  • (2.7/8) marked its return with 8.73 million viewers.
  • * (1.2/4) ended the night with 3.77 million.

*denotes repeat

(You can review last Wednesday’s ratings here.)

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Programming Insider

Wednesday Ratings: Two Networks Split Another Evening

Thanks to repeats on , Private Practice rebounded with the 18-49 crowd.  ended off the night with the best demos while had the largest audience.

Deal or No Deal



  • * (10.3 million, 2.7/8 in 18-49 demo) was the hour’s top draw.
  • (7.6 million, 2.57) saw a 1.3 million increase from last week.
  • (6.9 million, 2.4/7) was down just slightly.

*denotes repeat

(You can review last week’s ratings here.)

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Hollywood Reporter

Wednesday Ratings: ‘Shrek’ Draws Ogre Fans

ratings last night had others green with envy.  Although the network was narrowly bested in the viewers, it dominated in the demos.

Shrek the Halls



  • Although down 330,000, (4.1/11 in 18-49 demo) was still the hour’s top draw.
  • (7.1 million, 2.6/7) saw a 630,000 increase.
  • (2.2/6) felt lifeless at 6.3 million.

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Wednesday Ratings: ‘Bionic Woman’ Hits New Low

pulled off a major coup last night and stole a demo victory from .  The Eye network also had the largest audience overall.

Bionic Woman


  • (15.7 million, 4.3/11 in 18-49) had the night’s largest demos and audience.
  • (11.4 million, 4.2/10) was up about 220,000.
  • (3.2/8) soared to 7 million viewers.
  • (6.3 million, 2.5/6) had its worst demo performance to date.
  • (2.9 million, 1.4/4) bumped up over 400,000 from last week.


  • (13 million, 3.8/10 in 18-49 demo) easily took the hour in both categories.
  • (8.1 million, 2.9/8) dropped about 180,000 viewers.
  • (6.9 million, 2.5/7) raked in another 530,000.

Wednesday Ratings: CMAs Bring Viewers to ABC

The - and a reunion of The Eagles - drew large numbers to .  The network scored a victory in both the viewers and the demos.


  • Nearly 16 million fans saw Carrie Underwood’s successful night at the (5.4/14 in 18-49 demo). Carrie Underwood
  • (8.1 million, 2.1/6) was actually up over 1 million from last week.
  • (6.4 million, 2.2/6) and (6.5 million, 2.4/6) were practically even with each other.
  • (6.1 million, 2.2/6) was slightly down from Halloween.
  • (2.5/7) rounded off the hour with 5.1 million.



  • (12.9 million, 3.5/10 in 18-49) was down about 1/2 million from last week.
  • (6.4 million, 2.6/7) was surprisingly up about 700,000 from one week ago.

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Wednesday Ratings: Viewers Preoccupied With Halloween

Little goblins wanting their candy fix and a night full of reruns kept audiences away. 

Dirty Sexy Money



  • (13.5 million, 3.6/10 in 18-49 demo) easily won the hour.
  • (8.4 million, 2.9/8) remained about even with last week.
  • (5.7 million, 1.9/5) was down over 1 million from last Wednesday.

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Hollywood Reporter
